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发布时间:2015-12-17 点击浏览:

148 Title: Confined acoustic phonons in colloidal nanorod heterostructures investigated by non-resonant Raman spectroscopy and finite elements simulations

  Authors: Mario Miscuglio#, Miaoling Lin#, Francesco Di Stasio, Ping-Heng Tan*, and Roman Krahne*

  Source: Nano Letters, Volume: 16(12), Pages: 7664-7670, published: DEC 2016.

  DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b03706, full-text PDF, BibTex


147 Title: Raman spectroscopic characterization of stacking configuration and interlayer coupling of twisted multilayer graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition

  Authors: Jiang-Bin Wu#, Huan Wang, Xiao-Li Li, Hailin Peng, Ping-Heng Tan*

  Source: Carbon, Volume: 110Pages: 225-231, published: DEC 2016.

  DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2016.09.006, full-text PDF, BibTex


146 Title: Hierarchical Graphene-Based Films with Dynamic Self-Stiffening for Biomimetic Artificial Muscle

  Authors: Zhaohe Dai#, Yanlei Wang, Luqi Liu*, Xuelu Liu, PingHeng Tan, Zhiping Xu*, Jun Kuang, Qing Liu, Jun Lou, and Zhong Zhang*

  Source: Advanced Functional Materials, Volume: 26(38), Pages: 7003-7010, published: AUG 2016.

  DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201503917, full-text PDF, BibTex


145 Title: 悬浮二维晶体材料反射光谱和光致发光光谱的周期性振荡现象 (Periodic oscillation in the reflection and photoluminescence spectra of suspended two-dimensional crystal flakes)

  Authors: Qiao Xiao-Fen#, Li Xiao-Li, Liu He-Nan, Shi Wei, Liu Xue-Lu, Wu Jiang-Bin, and Tan Ping-Heng*

  Source: Acta Physica Sinica (物理学报), Volume: 64(13), Pages: 136801, published: JUN 2016.

  DOI: 10.7498/aps.65.136801, full-text PDF, BibTex


144 Title: Ultralow-frequency Raman system down to 10 cm-1 with longpass edge filters and its application to the interface coupling in t(2+2)LGs

  Authors: M.-L. Lin#, F. -R. Ran, X.-F. Qiao, J.-B. Wu, W. Shi, Z.-H. Zhang, X.-Z. Xu, K.-H. Liu, H. Li, P.-H. Tan*

  Source: Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume: 87(5), Pages: 053122, published: JUN 2016.

  DOI: 10.1063/1.4952384, full-text PDF, BibTex


143 Title: Residual stress in AlN films grownon sapphire substrates by molecular beam epitaxy

  Authors: Xin Rong#, Xinqiang Wang*, Guang Chen, Jianhai Pan, Ping Wang, Huapeng Liu, Fujun Xu, Pingheng Tan, Bo Shen*

  Source: Superlattices and Microstructures, Volume: 93, Pages: 27-31, published: MAY 2016.

  DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2016.02.050, full-text PDF, BibTex


142 Title: Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoribbons with High Optical Anisotropy

  Authors: Jiang-Bin Wu#, Huan Zhao#, Yuanrui Li#, Douglas Ohlberg, Wei Shi, Wei Wu*, Han Wang*, and Ping-Heng Tan*

  Source: Advanced Optical Materials, Volume: 4(5), Pages: 756-762, published: MAY 2016.

  DOI: 10.1002/adom.201500707, full-text PDF, BibTex


141 Title: 旋转双层石墨烯光电器件(highlight)

  Authors: 谭平恒#*

  Source: Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica (物理化学学报), Volume: 32(5), Pages: 1047-1048, published: MAY 2016.

  DOI: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201604191, full-text PDF, BibTex


140 Title: Anisotropic growth of non-layered CdS on MoS2 monolayer for functional vertical heterostructures

  Authors: W Zheng#, W Feng, X Zhang, XS Chen, G Liu, Y Qiu, T Hasan, PH Tan, PA Hu*

  Source: Advanced Functional Materials, Volume: 26, Pages: 2648-2654, published: APR 2016.

  DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201504775, full-text PDF, BibTex


139 Title: Raman and photoluminescence spectra of two-dimensional nanocrystallites of monolayer WS2 and WSe2

  Authors: Wei Shi#, Miao-Ling Lin, Qing-Hai Tan, Xiao-Fen Qiao, Jun Zhang, and Ping-Heng Tan*

  Source: 2D Materials, Volume: 3(2), Pages: 025016, published: APR 2016.

  DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/3/2/025016, full-text PDF, BibTex


138 Title: Phonon Confinement Effect in Two-dimensional Nanocrystallites of Monolayer MoS2 to Probe Phonon Dispersion Trends Away from Brillouin-Zone Center

  Authors: Wei Shi#, Xin Zhang, Xiao-Li Li, Xiao-Fen Qiao, Jiang-Bin Wu, Jun Zhang, Ping-Heng Tan*

  Source: Chinese Physics Letters, Volume: 33(05), Pages: 057801, published: APR 2016.

  DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/33/5/057801, full-text PDF, BibTex 


137 Title: Polytypism and unexpected strong interlayer coupling in two-dimensional layered ReS2

  Authors: Xiao-Fen Qiao#, Jiang-BinWu, Lin-Wei Zhou, Jing-Si Qiao, Wei Shi, Tao Chen, Xin Zhang, Jun Zhang, Wei Ji* and Ping-Heng Tan*

  Source: Nanoscale, Volume: 9, Pages: 8324-8332, published: APR 2016.

  DOI: 10.1039/C6NR01569G, full-text PDF, BibTex


136 Title: 转角多层石墨烯层间耦合的共振拉曼光谱研究

  Authors: 吴江滨#,张昕,韩文鹏,乔晓粉,M. IjasA.C. Ferrari, 谭平恒*

  Source: Journal of Light Scattering (光散射学报), Volume: 28(1), Pages: 16-22, published: MAR 2016.

  DOI: 10.13883/j.issn1004-5929.201601005, full-text PDF, BibTex


135 Title: Review on the Raman spectroscopy of different types of layered materials

  Authors: Xin Zhang#*, Qing-Hai Tan, Jiang-Bin Wu,Wei Shi and Ping-Heng Tan*  

  Source: Nanoscale, Volume: 8(12), Pages: 6435-6450, published: MAR 2016.

  DOI: 10.1039/C5NR07205K, full-text PDF, BibTex


134 Title: Physical origin of Davydov splitting and resonant Raman spectroscopy of Davydov components in multilayer MoTe2

  Authors: Q. J. Song#, Q. H. Tan, X. Zhang, J. B. Wu, B. W. Sheng, Y. Wan, X. Q. Wang, L. Dai* and P. H. Tan*

  Source: Physical Review B, Volume: 93(11), Pages: 115409, published: MAR 2016.

  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.115409, full-text PDF, BibTex


133 Title: Determining layer number of two-dimensional flakes of transition-metal dichalcogenides by the Raman intensity from substrate

  Authors: Li, Xiao-Li#; Qiao, Xiao-Fen; Han, Wen-Peng; Zhang, Xin; Tan, Qing-Hai; Chen, Tao; Tan, Ping-Heng*

  Source: Nanotechnology, Volume: 27(14), Pages: 145704, published: FEB 2016.

  DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/27/14/145704, full-text PDF, BibTex


132 Title: Raman characterization of AB- and ABC-stacked few-layer graphene by interlayer shear modes

  Authors: Xin Zhang#*, Weng-Peng Han, Xiao-Fen Qiao, Qing-Hai Tan, Yu-Fang Wang, Jun Zhang, Ping-Heng Tan  

  Source: Carbon, Volume: 99, Pages: 118-122, published: JAN 2016.

  DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2015.11.062, full-text PDF, BibTex

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